Today we did an activity called pentominoes a maths game when you have to create some letters in the alphabet with 5 blocks. What me and my group did is cut out some and make a build with it

My jump scare poem rhyme at camp

What scary times Clowns attacking, blood whacking    screams cracking, tears dropping, fear coming, ghosts appearing, children talking, what scary times  , creaking floors don’t give us more  . Give us a break, now we know it was fake. It’s finally finished . Everyone was in terror,even our faces were errors, what scary times . We were going to bed trembling, yes it had finished for now what scary times we sleeping looking at the windows one last time ok we are calm now eyes shut below hands opened bye what scary times

Cilia’s Empowerment.

Today in Cybersmart we learnt about Empowerment. Because we have learning about smart relationships we

know all about interacting positively with others online, this challenge was about what to do when someone

else isn’t being Cybersmart online.

We are able to send anything that we receive online that makes us feel sad or uncomfortable to a trusted adult.

Facts about White Tigers

White tigers are falsely marketed as a highly endangered species. White tigers are not a separate subspecies of tiger. …

White tigers in captivity exist due to inbreeding. …

Inbred tigers are unhealthy tigers. …

These animals are often bred for cash, not conservation.

They’re simply tigers that are born with white fur

it occurs in the wild possibly in as few as 1 in 10,000 wild tiger births.