Cybersmart task

Task: For Cybersmart once again! We had to take a picture of ourself and a Gif brief video, it wasn’t too hard, actually quite fun, only because I did it with a friend. Tap on the screenshot to find the slides!

Why is your culture and identity important?

Task: We had to right about why your culture and identity important? The writing below does not include anything relative to wanting fame or trying to impress anyone but to make my writing deep and believable, I believe that I can make people proud of their culture and identity!

Why is your culture and identity important

By Cecilia 

Your Culture and Identity are important because it reminds people what you’re capable of and shows your true colors to the world.

Your Identity is important because it’s who you are, it shows people that you’re proud 

to be yourself and unique.

Your Culture not only represents you and your family, but also shows that you’re proud to be your culture, and what makes you different – 

and that doesn’t need to matter to anyone 

who wants to judge.

Your family is not only there to help you succeed 

in life, or help you achieve, be the best in high school or find a job for you. Your family also stays by your side till you find your way to your path.

Anywhere you go, remember that you’ll only have one life in this huge world. So you might as well make the most of it and achieve your goals, be yourself and remind yourself how special you are.

Cybersmart task!

Task: Today’s Cybersmart wasn’t too hard, since I am sick today I decided to just finish this task and blog it, it just shows an adult I trust at school and home, it also shows a photo of my little family which includes me and a checklist about if I know how to take screenshots and blog a quality blog comment should look like!

Fun run!

Today on friday, team tui went to pakuranga to saint Kenigerns college, I was in the top girls group and had to go @ 10:15 but some went early so we went probably at 10:12, my body was in so much pain when I was running, but I never gave up because a teacher encouraged me the whole way! At the end, we had sausages and some other teachers like Mr pete and Mrs Wrack were there too.

Puberty lessons!

On Thursday, Team Tui was participating in a puberty lesson, everyone was first learning about our bodies and after morning tea it would be boys then girls, us girls were learning about what happens when we get our periods and when our top to bottom grows. It was a bit boring but quite interesting to learn about.