Month: November 2023


 What makes a good leader

What a good leader should do

 A good leader aims for their goals and makes sure to include passion, confidence and encouragement and also to include their team as well which is everyone not just one.

Bad leaders only care about who’s right but good leaders care about what’s right.In fact the truth of a good leader tells you about what’s not right for you and what’s right for your team and your people.

A good leader leads by example such as leading their team to the right path and making sure everyone catches up. 

Bad leaders usually are selfish and care about himself but a good leader cares about everyone and encourages them but not for themself because they want to help their team first.

Athletics  day

On Friday we had  athletics day we did  lots of things like high jump, long jump, shot put and relays. first we got into our year groups I was in the year 6’s girls group and we first started with shot put which you would have a  heavy ball and you have to throw it as far as you cane I was not that good with, but I was very good with high jump  and long jump. Later we had a break and the teachers were calling up people that ordered food the food that was there was sausage sizzle, ice pops and drinks I  only got a drink and a ice pop.


Later the relays happened I wasn’t picked cause I was hiding, but I was cheering for my team and then I  got hungry so I  went to go get my lunch from my bag it was like the races were actually real like they were racing for a trophy.  wasn’t really the winning team but they tried.